Post by Alys Clarke on Jul 10, 2009 13:42:41 GMT -5
"I am like a falling star
who has finally found her place
next to another in a lovely constellation,
where we will sparkle in the heavens forever."
-Amy Tan
A L Y S • E L I S E
B A S I C S;;[/color]
Full Name: Alys Elise Clarke
First Name Meaning: Noble;
Gender: Female;
Age: Nineteen;
Birthdate:[/color] December 14;
Species:[/color] Human;
Marital Status:[/color] Single;
Postion:[/color] Battlemage;
O N • T H E • O U T S I D E;;[/color]
Physique:[/color] Slim;
Hair:[/color] Long, Blonde;
Eyes:[/color] Emerald;
Skin Complexion:[/color] Ivory;
Height:[/color] 5'8''
Weight:[/color] 139 lbs.;
Birthmark(s):[/color] None;
I N D I V I D U A L I T Y;;[/color]
Alys is a determined kind of character. She's has a curious nature but it is all apart of her eagerness to learn. Alys always likes to see the bright side of things and likes to live her life as if it were her last. She simply sees the small thing in life the most beautiful things and she isn't afraid to express her love towards something. Alys doesn't appreciate disrespect or dishonesty. She isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in. However, she knows when to keep her thoughts and comments to herself. If rubbed the wrong way, she'll give her all to be there still, but she gets the hint when to say enough and walk away. Annie gives respect and gives her truth to the best of her ability. However, Annie is also forgiving but afterward cautious of what she says. She's playful, but is very considerate not to play with another person's feelings. She can be sarcastic at times but she tries not to take it too far. Alys is known to have many acquaintances but few close friends. Normally, Alys can tell when something bad or good is going to happen by just the way she feels. Her intuition is strong and it's normal for her to follow it. It's rare and serious, if she does not follow it.
Likes: Nature, Simple Things, Love, Being Free, Food, Honesty, Music, The Wonders of Magic;
Dislikes: Disrespect, Enclosed Spaces, Pessimism;
B L O O D;;[/color]
Father: Alexander Christoph Clarke;
Mother: Meredith Anne Clarke;
A P T I T U D E;;[/color]
- Alys is trained very well in martial arts and swordsmanship.
- She was also trained by her father in the ways of magic as a mage.
P R O T E C T I O N;;[/color]
• A steel and silver sword;
• Two steel daggers;
• Throwing stars;
O N C E • U P O N • A • T I M E;;[/color]
Life was simple.
It was easy to live carefree.
Then I learned that to have the
benefits of life influence me greatly,
I needed to learn the hard way.
So, that is what I did.
I was born into a wealthy, noble, and rather large family. My father was a mage while my mother a peasant woman with immense beauty. Our home was large as I do remember being lost in rooms until I knew the place in and out. I never had any siblings and I do remember wondering why I didn't have a brother or sister. My father worked hard to earn a living of ease for us and he was always busy with meetings and studying. I never knew he was a mage until I reached my teen years, but I knew of magic. I wasn't afraid of it as other children were. It confused me because at home, I was around it constantly. I just didn't recognize the source of it. I thought it was normal.
My mother was a very gentle woman. With or without the magic of my father, she still worked hard to raise me and kept everything in order. I learned quite a bit from her when I was younger. Mostly just the usual 'woman' duties of a household; however, she home schooled me and taught me etiquette. I didn't really care for etiquette.. I was use to going outside barefoot and running all around the village playing games. She was a very good woman. My mother strung me into many of my favorite hobbies like playing music with my lute and studying languages. She was hero just as much as my father. She was upset, however, when my father brought up my training when I became a teenager. She didn't want my life to go down that path. But I told her that I would decide my own path and that I was sorry. She didn't shun me or anything. I was her only child and daughter. She just couldn't stop loving me.
When my training began, it seemed simple. I never knew that magic came so easy for me. I could do house chores with it and do small tricks soon after a few weeks. My father had told me only to use it when I [/i]needed to. He was really strict about magic usage. Then my real training began. My father invited a friend of his over to help train me with my amateur swordsmanship. His name was Sir Jonathan, but he allowed me to just call him Jon. I always felt as if I was disrespecting him; however, he insisted. He came along with his son who was about my age. He was a little older than I, 14, and taller. He went by the name Benjamin. Whenever we had free time, we often went to explore and play together. He was my first real childhood friend.
His father first began to test me to see what I knew. When he was done he began to train me from after breakfast until after supper with a break of lunch. Then after supper, my father would train me with lessons on magic. Ben practiced and trained with me as well. It wasn't difficult at first; however, then I was challenged. It was all fun and interesting to me. It never really hit me that I truly loved the art of swordsmanship. After that, I began more dedicated and I learned fast. Ben was always encouraging and helped out when I hit a rough spot.
Ben and Jon stayed with us for a few years, returning home for holidays. Jon's wife and Ben's siblings would come to visit every so often. They became part of our family and Ben and I were very close. Ben was seventeen and I was sixteen. My mother always teased me about him and sometimes I wouldn't hide that yes, I did very much like him, while other times I would blush and deny it. My father seemed glad that Ben and I had a liking to each other. I remember him being very fond of me and understanding.
Training continued and we began to go across the world, it seemed. Sometimes I was shocked by the way some lived and while, other times I was enchanted by the many places. Soon, I grew accustomed to the world and I became more and more curious about the wide world around me.
When my training was completed, I was finally seventeen. Ben and I parted ways, but we kept in touch. However, sooner than I thought they moved where his father was called for duty, far away. It broke my heart. He was my closest and most trusted friend, but as my mother always said, life goes on. After that, it was hard to keep in contact with Ben. Months would go on and on until I heard from him.
Since I was coming of age soon, I decided to go out into the world and find my identity as it is something all young people search for some time or another. I was grateful for the lessons and the opportunities my parents had given me as well as that my father didn't keep me sheltered to the strange world. I set off with a knapsack, sword, purse, and lute. I didn't know where I was going to go so I just began to walk..